
Agriturismo di notte Agriturismo

In the centre of the small medieval village of Tintoria, in an ancient rural building, completely renewed, you can find the Agriturismo.

The building is composed of a characteristic dining room with a big fireplace and near it is a small room for wine tasting that was obtained from the old stall. On the first floor, there is a big room for parties and conventions, a reading room and the five bedrooms. The whole building is projected and realised to satisfy at best the needs of our guests.

Every detail of the house, vaulted ceilings, wood ceilings, colonnades, terracotta floors, but particularly the furniture in real Arte Povera, was refined to make the guests feel at ease.

The renovations were done so that the environment would not loose the warmth of the ancient things, and all was realised with passion.

The search of materials, like the terracotta for the floors, the wooden beams for the ceilings, the tiling for the bathrooms and the details of the furniture, all contributes to make it so the environment in which the guests stay will be unforgettable.


Panorama Agriturismo